Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas 2022


Hello, and Merry Christmas. 

It's been bit of a wild and crazy last week and a half, or so. You'll notice I fell off the Holiday Homestead share hashtag sharing I had been doing for 14 days in a row. 

Well, Dec. 15 our power went out, due to the storm moving through the area.  My alarm went off at 5 a.m. and not even 30 seconds later the power went out. Thankfully we have back up and a wood stove, so we were in better shape than a lot of people.  The power came back about 13 hours later.  By then I was too wore out to do any writing.  Then it's been a mix of snow plowing, shoveling, family stuff, work stuff and snow storms and cold. 

Behold ... or something to that effect. My brain is slightly mush right now. Here are photos from that storm.  The snow was so heavy that it was breaking tree branches all day. 

Front yard

My vehicle looks so tiny.

Snow caps on the holtzhausen wood stacks.

Snow blowing around my vehicle.

My son's vehicle.  Can you see the branch that broke and landed *right next* to it? And let's not forget the branch that was so heavy with snow it was touching the snow on top of his car. 

Another photo of the front yard.  I am always in awe of how the trees look when they are covered in snow.  The snow blower kind of bombed the photo by throwing some snow. 

My guy doing what he does - taking care of his family - and plowing because the snow was too heavy to push with the plow. 

Poor birch tree by the fire pit. 

In the back yard. At least one, possibly two, branches that broke from the big pine. 

A tree, or top of a tree (?), that broke by the chicken coop.  It hit the coop. Part of it is still on the roof. 

All the downed branches won't be going anywhere until spring. This storm made a heck of a mess. 

You now have the basic idea of the "fun" we've been having the last week, or so. 

We had our Christmas meal yesterday and opened presents. We all made out like bandits and received wonderful things. 

I usually take a photo of whatever the main dish of the meal is.  This year I managed to snag only a photo of the snack trays I made yesterday morning. 

We had a rib roast and when it was done cooking we were so ready to eat that my hubby immediately started carving it.  The roast was done to perfection. 

Furby was part of the festivities. I didn't get any photos of her.  She got a bit of mashed potatoes and some rib roast tidbits.  The meat she immediately pounced on.  We think she knows choice meat when she smells it.  I had music playing during dinner and I swear she was trying to sing along with one of the "Hallelujah" songs that played.  It was a choir singing the song.  Probably the Vienna Boys Choir. 

Today there's been more snowplowing and snow clearing. For the most part, it's been a restful sort of day.  My hubby took the leftover rib roast and made a pot of soup. We've been snacking on that and a fresh veggie tray I made today.  

Today I've started making lists and thinking about stuff for the new year.  Which, I realize, is something I've done about this time every year for the last several years.  I suppose that is what happens when you have as many hobbies and projects going on as I do.  

Once January starts I get to start thinking about gardening and seed starting! Woohoo! Seed catalogs have been showing up in my mailbox already. 


Becky G said...

I fell off the Holiday Homestead Share wagon, too. I just got too busy with holiday prep to take the time to do it. I might do a catch-up post here in the next few days. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. And I'm also glad I didn't get nearly that much snow! I love looking at pictures of it, but don't think I'd want to live there. Maybe when I was younger, but not now...

Amnicon Studio said...

We have received so much snow, in a short amount of time. The temps are supposed to go up in the next week. I'm thankful for that!

I'm going to let the holiday homestead share go. Too hard to go back after a week's-plus mount of posts. My brain is now focused on the upcoming year. I am determined to make this a really good year craft-wise.

Not all winters are like this, thankfully. If I don't have other things pulling at me, I don't mind dealing with the snow. Though I do wonder what I'm going to do when I'm at retirement age.