Friday, April 24, 2020

Beautiful Friday

When I looked out at the world this morning.  This was before 5:30 a.m. Pre-coffee. 

I didn't have to make a fire this morning.  Yay!  We went the whole day without a fire. I'm sure we will need one tomorrow morning, though. 

It wound up being a really beautiful day.  I had all the windows open.  The frogs were vocal all day. My son asked me why we can hear the frogs so well but we never see them.  Good question. 

Over my lunch hour I went out and did some yard work. 

Thanks to our area getting getting snow before the ground froze it made for a mess this year.  The plow trucks ripped up sod and dumped chunks of asphalt in the yard. 

It's a little overwhelming to see all those big chunks of the road in my yard.  

I definitely don't want to hit them with the lawn tractor.  Yikes!

The other day one of my best friends posted a meme on my Facebook wall, saying it reminded her of me. 

I had to laugh because it's so accurate! 

Can you see the round hole? 

I frequently poke my face near it so I can see if anything is growing yet. 

Guess what? 

Can you see the itty bitty green specks?  My lettuce has sprouted.  Planted on April 21 and I have seedlings emerging already.  No heating mat.  The shelf greenhouse gets pretty warm. 

This afternoon I went out to my greenhouse and was looking things over.  With the day being so lovely outside it got pretty cozy inside. 

I wish I had take photos this morning because I'm convinced my basil almost doubled in size. 

This is my first time growing basil.  It seems to be going well.  *fingers crossed*

For dinner I made salad for the side.  I went out and harvested some lettuce leaves to add to the mix. Then I realized I didn't have quite as many lettuce plants as I thought I had. 

But still ... I'm already harvesting lettuce from the garden.

Other things from the day: My son found a recipe for a lemon smoothie.  I sort of winged it.  It came out more sour than anything. Ooops. 

Since I already had the lemons out I decided to make a batch of lemon curd.  And then I made myself a batch of overnight oats so I can enjoy some curd it in tomorrow morning. I can't wait!

During the golden hour.

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