Monday, April 13, 2020

Mondays are Monday-ish

Monday. ... not a very sexy or exiting day, usually.  This morning I was so blurry-eyed and disoriented when the alarm went off.  

Thank goodness for coffee. 

Once I was properly caffeinated I went outside to check on the temperature of the greenhouse.  Obsessive? Not really.  I'm so curious to see how well it will keep the temperature above freezing.  Unfortunately it wasn't a really good day for seeing how warm it could get in there. Coolish temperatures today. Not much sun. This morning it was just above freezing in there. I checked off an on throughout the day.  When the sun did come out from behind the clouds, the greenhouse temperature got over 70.  I stood in there and the heat felt super good! 

For a little bit of time I did have some of my plants in the shelf greenhouse on the deck.  Some sun is better than none, right? 

I need to see when I can plant broccoli in the ground, in my area. Some of those plants are getting pretty big.  I've also started harvesting some of my lettuce.  Not a lot, but enough to toss onto my salads, and feel a bit virtuous about having something I grew this early in the year. 

I took early trip to town to pick up some stuff from the home improvement store and the grocery store. 

Can you believe I still needed some seeds?  Yup. Over the the weekend I realized I had no iceberg, cabbage or cauliflower seeds. I had to go on a mild quest to find the cauliflower. I'm trying to grow iceberg for the first time. It should be fun.

And we needed mothballs. 

Mice are going out into one of the sheds and causing trouble. My husband said mothballs would be a deterrent. This is my first experience with mothballs.  Oh my gosh! We opened the box and it was an immediate offense to to my senses. I couldn't wait to get them out of the house. I swore I could smell those horrible things for a few hours afterwards.  Yuck! 

I spent a little time with the baby chicks today. You can see how big the one chick is, from I think our first hatching, to the ones that hatched out in the last few days. What a difference!  

The younger ones crowd all around that oldest one, like it is mama.


These are going to be some gorgeous birds. 

We are still on baby bun watch.  Shadow seems *huge* but maybe she's just chubby.  I would have sworn she was ready to give birth a few days ago. 

Otherwise, not much else going on today.  Did some housecleaning, split some more wood.  Our first year out here we cut down a tree and hauled the bottom pieces off to the woods because they were such massive pieces.  Six years later they were pulled back out and split.  Pine wood, and it was *tough* wood to split still. The once piece took 12 splits, I think.  I lost count after a while. 

Oh, this evening we got crazy snow weather.  It started with snow pellets, quickly changed to snow flakes. All the while, the lighting was green. Very weird. 

I tried taking a photo, but you can't see the snow. You can see the sun, though. Sun snow!

I've been knitting a little bit on my February Lady Sweater almost every night this last several nights. 

February Lady Sweater
Started: Mid-March 2020
Needle size: U.S. size 8 (5 m.m.) and U.S. 10 (6 m.m.)
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes
Colorway: Amethyst Heather, Lot: 199125

The back has my progress marker. 

I feel like I've been knitting on this puppy *forever.* I'm going to do one more repeat and then switch to the garter stitch edging.  That needs to be 1.75 inches before I can cast off.  I think I will have enough yarn in this ball I just started. I have two balls of yarn left and I was hoping I'd make a sleeve out of each one.   

Photo challenge day 13 - "Solar flare"

I'm not really sure about this.  I didn't bother too google it. So I'm totally winging it. 

My interpretation of solar flare.  The sun wasn't very bright today. 

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