Monday, April 27, 2020

Kicking them out of the nest

This morning when I woke up the temperature was 43 degrees fahrenheit. My first thought was "I could have left everything out"

The day started with rain.  Which was perfect. It was a nice long soak.  The kind you want when you are trying to germinate grass seed. 

Then the sun came out and played peek-a-boo in the clouds for a little bit. 

All in all, a really nice day. 

This morning I was watching a youtube video about growing lettuce in the garden.  Several times the person said that lettuce can be direct sowed before the last frost date.  

So I got to thinking ... and that can sometimes be a dangerous thing. 

This evening I checked what the overnight low is supposed to be and it's far enough away from freezing that I decided to throw a little caution to the wind and leave a few things out in my greenhouse and the shelf greenhouse tonite. Not anything that I would be devastated if I lost. 

All the seeds I recently planted, like on April 23 (?) It's iceberg, cauliflower and cabbage.  I'll just toss more seeds in if something happens. Technically it's double insulated.  Things should be fine. Right? 

This, however, is a little harder for me.  I started these plants back in February. 

I didn't dare open the greenhouse to take the photo.  I wanted to keep as much heat in there as I could. This is a test tray.  I put my columbines, a few lavenders, at least one lettuce and broccoli, and chives in the tray, set them more in the center of the space and close to the water jugs I have in there, to try and keep them close to what is kicking off heat. 

Will everything still be okay tomorrow morning? We shall see. 

This evening my husband and I went for a walk out in the back 20. It was a lovely evening.  Bugs are definitely out now. There were mild discussions about blazing a new trail so we can walk and drive the ATV without going through a small pond that seems brand new to me.  Maybe I didn't spend as much time back there as I thought I did. 

Then the evening wrapped up with snuggles with a few of the chicks. 

This one in particular seems so spoiled.  It easily falls asleep in my husband's hands. 

Tomorrow, last I saw, is supposed to be cooler temps and afternoon rain. Probably a good day to be indoors and ponder things, when I'm not doing work for pay. 

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