Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Dreary Tuesday

It's been a dreary day, all day. 

When I woke up the temperature was around 36 degrees Fahrenheit. 

I went out and looked in at the shelf greenhouse. Everything looked all right. 

Baby cabbage

Baby iceberg lettuce.

I went out to my greenhouse and the plants were looking good out there, too. 

The morning drizzle turned into an all day rain. Drag! I was hoping the sun would come out. At least it's good for the grass seed we just planted.

Since the sun never showed itself the temps in the greenhouses didn't get much warmer than 40. 

Doesn't that sound awful after I've been babying all these plants?  

Well, I took pity on them and brought the majority of everything back in for the night.  Except for the one flat of plants.  I figure they will do all right since they are all cool weather crops. Right? (Fingers crossed)

I went to the shelf greenhouse and discovered there is a leak in the roof.  Oh no!  

My seedlings have been floating in water for who knows just how long. 

I drained everything as best I could.  I definitely see a shortcoming to these peat moss flat things.  If you aren't careful, they will break apart on you.  

For dinner I made a low carb chicken pot pie. There is a recipe I found a few years ago at Peace Love Low Carb.  It's always a hit when I make it. 

A quick little update on the baby buns.  Their eyes have opened and they are starting to leave the nest and explore.  Shadow may be ready for a break.  

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