Thursday, April 23, 2020

Days are getting longer

This morning when the alarm went off and dragged my sorry carcass out of bed, I took a look out the window and saw light in the sky. I get up around 5:15 a.m. If I want any "me" time, I need to get up early.

It was a welcome sight to see it getting light out so early now.  Too bad it's not getting warmer that early in the morning.  It was still pretty cool out.  Sun for most of the day, which is nice. 

It was a fairly quiet day, for the most part.  Which was good.  My thoughts were all over the place today. 

My son helped my haul all my plants and seedlings out to my greenhouse. We had a lunch out on the deck.  It was nice to be out in the sun, but that breeze ... 

Then I dragged him out for a walk. He was not happy, but I know he appreciates it once we were back home. 

Speaking of my greenhouse, the other day we had strong winds.  I made a short video showing how the greenhouse holds up in the wind when it's tethered down well. In a Facebook group I see that people ask a lot about this style of greenhouse and other people say "Be sure to do this and that." I thought it would be nice to share how one looks when it's actually in a strong wind. 

Remember all those chicks that started hatching out yesterday?  They are all gone, but for two we kept for ourselves.  I don't know what happened but we got lots of calls and texts for chicks.  

Chicks are still hatching out and we have another set to hatch out in a couple days. 

Ever since last fall I've noticed these little holes in the ground.  It was too cold for snakes and too small for gophers. What could it be?

This evening, when I was bringing my stuff back from the greenhouse I was a little chipmunk run into it's hidey-hole.  Mystery solved. 

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