Thursday, April 9, 2020

Snow squall

It started snowing shortly after I woke up.  I looked out the window at the snow, turned to my husband and said "This is bullsh&*." I looked at my Facebook memories and it's snowed a couple of times in the last few years.  

Ugh ... 

Then severe weather alerts starting going off on my phone.  "Warning - Snow Squall!" 

I'm not sure if I've had weather alerts for squalls before.  Life next to Lake Superior, I guess. 

So what did I decide was the only logical response to a snow squall?

Put Scooby-Doo on the tv, and eat lasagna for breakfast. 

Oh, but seriously. I did that. 

Can you blame me?

The weather decided to be manic ALL. DAY. 

It alternated beween snow, blizzard, strong winds, sun, sun and wind, sun and snow.  Then completely grey. All random. 

Yesterday when I finished with all the log splitting and stacking, I checked the weather for the next few days, because I wanted to leave the tarp off the wood, to give it a chance to breath a bit before covering it up. It got bathed in snow.  I give up. 

All the snow is melted. Good. Snow is supposed to happen next week.  At the rate things are going, we may get temperatures in the 70s.  Wouldn't that be nice. 

It was an early publishing day, due to Good Friday, Easter and Easter Monday.  We succeeded and got it all done and set to go to the printer.  It feels good to go into this long weekend and not have to think about publishing day. My coworkers and I have earned this long weekend. 

Another thing that happened this morning is more chicks hatching out. 

This group had one with colors we haven't seen yet.  We are going to keep this one. 

So cute! Well, they are all cute, but this one has it's own charm. 

It also seemed very alert, just a few hours after hatching.  It was checking its hatch-mates out and walking all over the tote. 

We are still on baby bun watch.  Today our very own little Houdini, aka Shadow, managed to get out of her space and she was running around outside, eating leaves.  Feffer was free and wild and he thought it was great that she was out. 

I noticed she was out and my son and I went out to catch her.  Shadow was running away from us and kept going under the coop. Feffer thought we were all playing, so he'd run in front of her, run in front of us.  Stop and wait for us to catch up.  He managed to run in front of Shadow and trip her. 

My son had to go under the coop and "rescue" Shadow.  

I managed to catch her out in the yard. She kept running and stopping.  After a while I was able to catch her and bring her back to her space.  Silly bun! 

While my son was going under the coop, our main roo came out of the coop and wondered what was going on. 

Isn't he gorgeous? He's such a good roo. 

This photo is also my photo for the photo challenge day 9 - fear.  I remembered the check the prompt this afternoon and saw it was fear.  I had to think a bit on this one, then remembered that a lot of people fear roosters.  With good reason.  However, I think if you raise them right, 98 percent of the time, they will not be mean. 

After all this, I managed to catch him in the coop and hold him for a bit.  I took a photo of his feather close up.  He's just so gorgeous. It's like a sunset. 

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