Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Nothing particularly special happened today. Work, putter around the house. Sold some of our older hens. 

Someone contacted us, asking if we had any older birds we'd be willing to part with.  That "Someone" turned out to be someone we previously sold chicks too.  She was so pleased with the chickens they got from us previously. Unfortunately a predator got some of their flock. 

This morning I stepped outside and realized how warm it was. I decided to put out a lot of my plants into my shelf greenhouse that is set up on the deck. The sun wasn't too intense today. What went out was broccoli, lettuce and some chives. 

Everything seems bigger.  I didn't think to take a photo this morning.  I got a shot this evening, before taking it all back in.  It is forecasted to have a low of 37 degrees F, but I didn't want to take the chance.  Not yet, anyways. 

I've had this greenhouse for YEARS.  I had put it away for the last five years.  Way back when  I wanted to get rid of it becasue I was so frustrated with seed starting. This year I think I shall be very successful with my seed starting and I'm so glad I listened to my hubby and did *not* throw it away. Even though I really, really wanted to. 

This morning it was a bit drizzly out and some of the birds were very clear in their vocalizations.  It was so clear I had to take a video. 

Then this evening I stepped out onto the deck and I could hear the frog symphony going. 

And since I haven't posted "baby" photos in a while ... 

Look at that sassy little face!

This one decided it wasn't happy unless it was under mother's wing, aka, tucked into my shirt. 

I see a lot of memes during the day. I love a good meme, as you may know.  I may start adding more to the blog, because we could all use a good chuckle, right? 

I did do a scant bit of knitting today.  Not enough that I feel it's worth sharing.  Stay tuned!

Photo challenge day 7 - "A good read"

I received this cookbook back in 1998 from my sister-in-law.  I reference this book a few times a week.

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