Friday, May 2, 2014

Sense a change in the air

Yesterday and today I noticed that the air has changed.  It feels ... not as wet.  The wind has died down and the temps seem to be up.  Perhaps we *finally* have shaken off winter.

The duck is still hanging around the yard.  Tonite it hung out by the coop for a while. I got the impression that it wanted to go into the coop.  It seems lonely.  No-tail Red sounded off the warning and the duck didn't get too close.  The bigger babies were on alert and stared like they wanted to go after Mr. Duck. 

My DH is now theorizing perhaps there is an alpha duck at the neighbors and our visitor may be on the "outs" at the neighbors and/or looking for a mate.

I did get a face and tail on the bunny tonite.  Not sure when I'll be able to stuff it

I think the tail is cute.  I used a fork to make the pom pom.

Daily 5 of things that made me happy today

1. I saw the sun today.

2. My guy is going to smoke a pork roast tomorrow.  Mmmmm, first one of the year.

3. Allegiant was ready for me at the library today.  Now I can see what the hub-bub is about. 

4. I'm seeing green grass

5. Getting to eat at my new table :-)

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