Saturday, December 2, 2023

Some good news about the chickens!

 First all, thank you to those who expressed their condolences about the predator attack last night. They may be "just chickens" to some, but they are my ladies. 

This morning, my hubby and I were still feeling down about what happened.  Then we got to talking about something and I opened the front door, to take a peek outside, and someone heard his voice and a moment later we heard a hen calling her "Where are you?" call.  My hubby and I were SO excited!  

It was one of the barred rocks.  

She must have ran to the front of the house and hid behind one of my flower pots when the predator attacked.

My hubby went out and guided her back to the coop and got her safely in. 

Woo hoo! 

Then, a short time later, when he was outside, my husband watched another barred rock come walk out of the patch of trees that is behind the coop. 

TWO of our barred rocks are still with us!  

That one was also guided in to the coop run and our barred rock roo managed to slither out.  That brat ended up spending the whole day outside, crowing up a storm. 

We have one barred rock still missing.  She could still reappear if she's alive, but in shock right now. 

So, one loss, for sure. This is SO much better than what we had last night. 

And *that* made it a beautiful day. 

We stuck close to home today.  Sometime in the mid-morning we decided to go talk a walk out on the public land near us.  The land has been harvested in the last several years, so not very pretty and there's debris every where.  

It was nice to be out in the sun, though. 

I got to take my new mittens and handwarmers out for their maiden voyage. They are a winning combo! 

On the walk I saw a couple things I thought might make for neat pictures.  

Frost on a fallen tree that no longer had bark. 

The different textures of the oak leaves, the patch of snow and the oak log that has been in the elements long enough to be weather and grey. 

The sky behind those trees.  It was so beautiful and blue. 

This afternoon I went out hunting for a few hours. I only saw a fat boi squirrel. 

Oh my gosh, he was such a chunker. 

He, or she, appears to be a very smart squirrel.  I don't think I've seen a fatter one. 

The squirrel was the only animal I saw while I was out there. 

After supper I decided to finally start some cross stitch ornaments I've been wanting to start for weeks. 

I bought this PDF from Fat Quarter Shop last year. 

I thought I had kitted it up.  Nope.  I'll need to remedy that very soon. 

In the meantime, I did have the floss all ready to go for another set of Christmas ornaments I purchased last year. 

White Christmas 2022 ornaments
Started: Dec. 2, 2023

Designer/Source: Primrose Cottage stitches
Fabric: 14 count aida opalescent
DMC floss in called for colors
B5200, 310, 321, 435, 562, 722, 728, 761, 818, 898, 954, 3841
Needle Size: 26
Made For: Myself. 

My progress so far. 

My thoughts, yesterday, about blogmas inspired my friend, Becky, to give blogmas a go on her blog. She writes more frequently than I do.  We've both had our blogs for around the same amount of time, and we both have the same belief that blogs should make a comeback.  If you don't already follow her, go check her out! 


Becky G said...

So glad to hear about the chickens! Such good news.

Your cross stitch patters are beautiful. I wish I could see well enough to still cross stitch. It used to be my craft of choice until my eyes got too old.

Thanks for the shoutout!

Amnicon Studio said...

Thank you!

I use reader cheaters to cross stitch. Nothing fancy. I got mine at Walmart for $5.

And you are welcome! :-)