Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Tree song

 Yesterday I was walking in the back 20. You guessed it - I was getting the SD cards from the game cams. 

It was a gorgeous time out there. I was walking along the path and I heard a few sounds coming from one of the trees. 

There were noises coming from all over the woods.  Leaves blowing in the wind or rubbing up against branches. 

This one was like a knocking, but not.  I didn't see any critters up in the tree.  Then I heard a rapid noise so I looked around the tree. 

Nothing.  Not even a sound of scurrying. Then the noise stopped. 

Have you ever heard of tree songs?  That may not be what they are called, but it's the trees talking, or singing. 

I took this video about four years ago. 

The more recent moment got me thinking about an audio book I listened to several years ago.  Actually, I never finished it.  The time ran out on it. 

Have you ever heard of "Speaker for the Dead?" Most likely you haven't, unless you are a scifi fan. I'm sure you've heard of "Ender's Game."  "Speaker for the Dead" is sometimes considered the sequel to Ender's Game. 

Anywho, the long and short of it is the species in the book has a relationship with the trees. Or, a religion if you want. 

When I'm out in the back 20 and I hear the trees making noises I often talk back. 

After a full day of work and house stuff I started the first mitten. 

I knit while watching "House" I know the show is from a whole other time.  I'm running out of shows and this one is enough to entertain me but I don't have to have my full attention on it. 


Becky G said...

Your tree song reminds me of the way floorboards creak in old houses.

I used to love watching House, especially the first two seasons. It kind of went downhill after a certain two doctors got together. You have seen it all, right? I don't want to spoil it if you haven't.

Amnicon Studio said...

I'm in season one. They just brought back Cameron. My guess is she and house will get together. I haven't read up on the series so it will be all a surprise. :-)

Becky G said...

OK, then, I won't say anything more, though it's been so long since I've watched, I probably don't remember that much anyway.

Amnicon Studio said...

Maybe you want to re-watch it? :-). All the cool kids are doing it!