Saturday, December 16, 2023

I don't have a title for this one

 Yesterday was the Christmas party for my workplace.  It was a fun party and I had a lot of fun visiting with the other colleagues and playing the games. 

So, that is what I was doing for the majority of the day. 

Before going to the party I was running around taking care of the last bit of Christmas shopping.  I think I'm all done now. 

I don't know about you, but it doesn't feel much like Christmas out there. Yesterday morning I woke up to rain.  It rained pretty much all day. However, the temperatures were warm enough that I didn't feel cold when I was outside. 

Last night I decided my sourdough starter was ready and I made up a batch of sourdough.

I was so excited to see it in all it's glory this morning. 

Alas, it did not rise. 

Back to the drawing board, so to speak.  

In the meantime, I heard a youtube video explaining how to make sourdough discard crackers.  It sounds really interesting. When I get enough discard I'll try my hand at making some crackers. Believe it or not, I haven't made crackers before. 

Today was a nothing-remarkable-kind-of-day. Woke up to more rain.  It stopped for a while and the sun popped out for a short bit.  Then the sky greyed up again. 

I ended up taking an hour-long nap before heading out for afternoon hunting.  Just in time for the rain to start again.  Then the rain stopped right as I was getting ready to head back to the house. 

Current temperature is 36 degrees Fahrenheit out there. 

This evening I knit on my harvest cardigan for a bit.  Then did some self-care in the form of a pedicure. 

Not a very exciting day. I blame the weather. 

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