Monday, January 13, 2014

Daily 5, Jan. 13, 2014 (back to routine)

Back to work and the regular work week. Bah! This is also my first week of having a work day at home.  So I've got that to look forward to.

Weather was decent.  No sun. :-(

Came home to a sick man.  He's currently sleeping on the couch under two blankets.  I sure hope he's not getting the flu.

Tonite I  sat in front of the spinning wheel for a couple hours.  Now that I know how the *magic* of long draw I want to spin all the things.  The lovely, wonderful, pretty things.

Yes, I'm a goof.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's a good video.

Yes, I now know how to do this. *Squee!*

This morning I got an email from Paradise fibers announcing what I thought was a pretty good deal.  If you spent X amount of money on Ashford and Cascade products you would receive a $25 g.c. So I bit the bullet and ordered myself a set of handcards. I've wanted a pair for quite some time. There was also fiber ordered ... enough to spin for a sweater.  Now I've got a g.c. sitting in my email just begging to be spent on more fiber. 

After finishing up the braid of wool I was working on I picked up the knitting project I started yesterday.

It's going to be a "Runaround Cowl" It's knit on US 15s. I'm using Lionbrand homespun in the Tudor colorway. It's a quick knit. I anticipate having it done by the end of the week.

1. I got to watch a new episode of "Sleepy Hollow" tonite.

2. Hand cards are on their way to my house! I'm so excited.

3. My sweetie ordered me a newer iPhone. :-) That's on it's way too!

4. When I went out to the coop to shut the lights off everyone was already up on the roost or in a nesting box, all tucked in.

5. Hot dogs and mustard.  There is something about that combo that makes me happy :-)

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